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A Gracious & Compassionate God

May 14, 2017

Passage: Jonah 1:1-6 Speaker: Pastor Lukus Counterman Series: Jonah

Length: 56 mins 36 secs Plays: 2703

Speaker: Lukus Counterman - At first glance, the principal character in the book we are studying for the next month seems to be Jonah, but a closer look reveals that the title character in this narrative is God Himself. The Old Testament book called Jonah is not about a whale, a reluctant prophet, or even a perishing people in Nineveh. It is about God who is accomplishing salvation through judgment and mercy. Jonah said it simply (Jonah 2:9) “salvation belongs to the Lord.” If you keep your attention keen and your eyes peeled in these four short chapters, you’ll be overwhelmed and awed to discover God all over again. His attributes, his character, and his ability swim through the entire book. The story opens with the word of the Lord (1:1), centers around acts of the Lord, and concludes with the word of the Lord (4:9-11). From beginning to end, it’s all about him.