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Beasts, Thrones, & Saints

March 01, 2020

Passage: Daniel 7:1-14 Speaker: Pastor Lukus Counterman Series: Exiles in Expectation

Length: 48 mins 51 secs Plays: 384

Speaker: Lukus Counterman - We live in the midst of a world characterized by violence, bloodshed, and corruption. Politicians are crooked, governments are oppressive, and nations are postured against one another. Sometimes it feels like the fabric of society is about to come apart. But the chaos created by these sinful nation-states will not have the last word. The court of heaven sits in judgment and these beastly dominions will be destroyed one day. When Christ returns, the Son of Man will receive universal worship, everlasting dominion, and an eternal kingdom. Faithful saints will rule and reign with the him forever as over-comers. Daniel 7 offers a message of hope meant to warm our hearts and encourage us to live faithfully in tough times. May the Lord reassure us of his sovereign control and victorious plan today.