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Behind the Scenes

March 15, 2020

Passage: Daniel 8:1-27 Speaker: Pastor Jon Kopp Series: Exiles in Expectation

Length: 41 mins 35 secs Plays: 400

Speaker: Jon Kopp - In Daniel 8, we find Daniel receiving another very unique vision. More beasts and horns show up. They represent kingdoms and rulers who rise and fall, but this time, there is a slightly different focus. A new king is going to rise to power. He sets his sights on stamping out the people of God and even on attacking God Himself. Great suffering is coming for the people of God, and in this chapter, Daniel is given a front row seat on some of the worst aspects of it. Like the rest of Daniel’s apocalyptic visions, everything God shows him is to prepare God’s people to face what will surely come in the future. To prepare them to trust God no matter what. But, as we will see in this week's message, this text describes events that have already happened. God's people have already faced the difficulties that Daniel saw in this vision. What then does God have for us in this text? The same thing that he offered His people when they faced great difficulty. His good and powerful Word reminding us that though we will face difficulty, God will keep His promise to never leave us or forsake us.