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Beware and Believe

May 21, 2023

Passage: Luke 12:1-21 Speaker: Pastor Lukus Counterman Series: Luke - Past Promises, Present Redemption

Length: 48 mins 4 secs Plays: 213

Speaker: Lukus Counterman - Did you grow up in a religious home? Have you ever felt pressured to talk or behave a certain way because of religious expectations? Have you ever been guilty of religious hypocrisy? In our text this weekend, Jesus warns his disciples about hypocrisy and covetousness. He confronts us on two fronts where many of us struggle. Think about covetousness for a minute. Do you get those adds in the mail that awaken your wants for new electronic devices, better cars, upgraded home furnishings, or updated apparel? Do you find yourself wanting things you don’t have, or just craving more? These temptations of fakery and greed can derail the Christian life, so Jesus teaches us a better way. He says, “Watch out for these sins and look to me instead.” As we study Luke 12:1-21, may the Lord help us beware and believe.