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Judges & Justice

June 06, 2021

Passage: Deuteronomy 16:18-20 & Deuteronomy 17:8-13 Speaker: Pastor Lukus Counterman Series: Relationship & Responsibility - Deuteronomy

Length: 13 hrs 55 mins 53 secs Plays: 224

Speaker: Lukus Counterman - In an age where “justice” seems to be a political buzzword, a social rally cry, and a media fetish it is important for God’s people to understand the qualities of biblical justice. With so many popular opinions swirling around, today more than ever, we need to embrace God’s perspective. The Judge of all the earth who always does what is right has delineated what true justice looks like. In Deuteronomy 16-17, Moses outlines the qualifications of good judges and qualities of true justice. Our text this week provides timeless truths that can help guide us through some of the sticky conversations and tenuous cultural issues of our day. So, may the Lord teach us about the dispensers, administration, standard, and God of justice as we dig into his word together.