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Courageous Joy

May 20, 2018

Passage: John 16:16-33 Speaker: Pastor Jon Kopp Series: John - That You May Believe

Length: 36 mins 22 secs Plays: 1459

Speaker: Jon Kopp - Due to technical difficulties, only part of this sermon was recorded. \"Let us be courageous and rejoice always, believing that we are safe. Let us consider that the Lord is with us, who broke evil’s power. Let us consider and lay to heart that while the Lord is with us, our foes can do us no hurt…If they see us rejoicing in the Lord, contemplating the bliss of the future, mindful of the Lord, deeming all things in His hand, and that no evil spirit has any strength against the Christian, nor any power at all over us— they are discomfited and turned backwards. Thus, if we are wishful to despise the enemy, let us ponder over the things of the Lord, and let the soul ever rejoice in hope.\" (Athanasius) Big idea: In Jesus, we have courageous joy. Because, in Jesus, 1. sorrow is transformed, 2. Prayer is answered, 3. Victory is secure. #1 In Jesus, Sorrow is Transformed. a. Sorrow is inevitable b. Sorrow is productive #2 In Jesus, Prayer is Answered. a. When we pray in Jesus’ name. b. Because the Father Himself loves us. #3 In Jesus, Victory is secure. a. Not secure in ourselves. b. Secure in Jesus - the overcomer.