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Covetousness: Which is Idolatry - Commandment #10

September 07, 2014

Passage: Exodus 20:17 Speaker: Pastor Will Galkin Series: Ten Commandments

Length: 53 mins 9 secs Plays: 4384

Speaker - Will Galkin: We are made to look for things that are beautiful. How is it that all of us from different cultures stop when we see a beautiful sunset. We gasp when finally see the Grand Canyon. We stand in awe when we gaze upon sequoias. That's why we like art. That's why we like curves on a car. We are made to enjoy. That's why we laugh when a baby does. That is why we want to go back to the same restaurant and order the same entrée. That's why we watch stories. That's why we have friends over. That is why we touch. That is why we listen to music We are made to desire. God made us to be creatures of desire. Our desires for food reminds us to eat. Our desire to do something useful motivates us to work. Our desire for friendship draws us into community. Yet, somewhere in our sinful hearts, normal and good desires can turn into covetousness--envy and enslaving lust. Sinful desires for the things that belong to others. Sinful desire that cause us to love the gift more than the Creator. Therefore, the goal is not the elimination of desire. The goal is to find our ultimate in the One who can save us. “It is not poverty or wealth that leads us to contentment and trust in the Lord, but the confidence that if God provided so richly for our salvation by choosing, redeeming, calling, adopting, and justifying us, and by sending his Spirit to cause us to grow up into Christ's likeness, then surely we can count on him for the less essential matters of daily existence.” Micheal Horton