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Endure to the End

October 16, 2016

Passage: James 1:12 Speaker: Pastor Lukus Counterman Series: Faith that Works

Length: 49 mins 31 secs Plays: 2641

Speaker: Lukus Counterman - The Scriptures present some tensions that are good for us to wrestle with. Not everything in the Bible is easy to understand. Not everything fits into neat categories. Actually, there are concepts in scripture that almost seem to contradict each other. There are paradoxes that don’t fit within our boundaries of logic or our frame of reference. In the world of theology they are called “antinomies” - seeming paradoxes. In James 1:12 one of those tensions are brought to the surface. James speaks about the promise of a crown of life (eternal security), and he also speaks about the requirement of steadfastness (perseverance of the saints). In the seeming paradox, truth is maintained: believers are secure and believers must/will endure. May the Lord guide us into truth as we seek to listen to his voice.