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Ephesus and City Ministry

February 24, 2019

Passage: Acts 18-20 & Ephesians 1-6 Speaker: Pastor Lukus Counterman Series: Identity in Christ

Length: 49 mins Plays: 734

Speaker: Lukus Counterman - When it came to missionary endeavors, Paul was strategic, persistent, and prayerful. He had target locations and intentional objectives in his ministry of the gospel. The apostle focused on cities - epicenters of culture and influence. His pattern indicates that when the gospel takes root in places of commerce, education, and politics, it eventually spreads to the surrounding areas. Cities are not the only places for missionary work, but they are strategic places. Roland Allan, a missiologist and author of Missionary Methods, suggests that “All the cities or towns in which Paul planted churches were centers of Roman administration, Greek civilization, Jewish influence, or some commercial importance.\" That was true of Athens, Rome, Corinth, and Ephesus. And as we consider city ministry today, may God help us understand how to reach our context and see the Word increase and prevail mightily in urban populations to the praise of his glory.