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Eternal Life and Daily Life with Jesus

April 23, 2023

Passage: Luke 10:25-42 Speaker: Pastor Jon Kopp Series: Luke - Past Promises, Present Redemption

Length: 53 mins 45 secs Plays: 274

Speaker: Jon Kopp - In Luke 10, we find two of the more familiar stories from Jesus’ life—the parable of the Good Samaritan and a scene at Martha and Mary’s house. One is a story of unexpected and practically limitless generosity. The other is a story of busy service and quiet piety. But, is that all that Jesus intends his followers to grasp from these scenes? Certainly not. Jesus has something more in mind in telling this story than just encouraging us to be kind to those in need or to listen to Jesus’ words. This story isn't about less than that, but it is about much more. Though these may be well-known stories, they are often some of the most misunderstood. To see that for yourself, take some time to examine not just the details, but also the conversations that surround them. What question is Jesus answering? What seems to be in the hearts of the individuals? And what does that mean for anyone who seeks to follow Jesus and find eternal life? As we examine this text together, may God help us to see what He requires, receive what He offers, and live the life he calls us to in following Him.