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Exposing Our Hearts, Calling Us to Believe

August 06, 2017

Passage: John 2:23-3:15 Speaker: Danny Brooks Series: John - That You May Believe

Length: 51 mins 2 secs Plays: 1521

Speaker: Danny Brooks - Have you ever met someone going through a midlife crisis? While we may joke about middle-aged men suddenly purchasing a hot sports car or middle-aged women diving into a new career, the internal pressure behind these changes is real. Often, people going through such a crisis have a sense that everything they’ve been living for is empty. It’s a scary thing to evaluate our lives and realize we are coming up short. What if you’ve not only worked hard at family, career, and community life, but devoted your yourself to religion and truth, morality and holiness, and still feel like you are coming up short? And what if someone steps into your path and says, “Your system of faith is fatal to your soul. If you don't change radically, you will not see Heaven”? It’s more than a midlife crisis when you are told that the pillars of your relationship with God are seriously flawed. But that’s the nature of the conversation Nicodemus experiences with Jesus. We, like Nicodemus, must come to terms with Jesus statement, \"You must be born again.\" We cannot trust in our pedigree or performance if we expect to see the Kingdom of Heaven. Only by faith in Jesus Christ and His death on the cross can any person hope to experience the new birth Jesus speaks of in this passage. Jesus calls us to receive this truth and to believe it.