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Faith that Works - Intro to the Book of James

September 18, 2016

Passage: James 1:1 Speaker: Pastor Lukus Counterman Series: Faith that Works

Length: 45 mins 29 secs Plays: 2884

Speaker: Lukus Counterman - The letter of James has strong claims to be both the most celebrated and most criticized of all New Testament books. It has been criticized because the words “Christ” and “Jesus” appear only a couple times. Martin Luther fumed that “James mangles the Scriptures and thereby opposes Paul.” He was referring to the faith and works discussion in chapter two. But in spite of such charges, this letter has persistently found its way into the hearts and affections of countless Christians through the ages. It remains one of the most cherished books of the Bible because it is very practical. James addresses everyday issues of living such as how we speak, how we should think about wealth and poverty, how to approach conflict, sickness and suffering. James is a wonderfully down to earth book, and through our study, may the Lord show us what genuine faith looks like in real life. May the Lord show us how real faith works hard and lives distinctively.