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Foundational Principles for Modern Missions

October 09, 2022

Passage: Romans 15:8-21 Speaker: Phil Hunt Series: Standalone Messages

Length: 47 mins 39 secs Plays: 167

Speaker: Phil Hunt - In our passage this week, we find several unchanging and foundational principles for modern missions. We find a theological foundation for how and why God’s people are sent on His mission and why we must all engage in it! Romans 15:8-21 calls us to rearrange our priorities to participate in what God is going to do through this church—a work that will impact the nations for the glory of God, a work that provides rescue for those languishing in the dark chains of sin, a work that offers hope to those without hope and without God in this world, and a work that compels God’s people to rearrange their lives around their own participation in it.