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God’s Mission in the World

November 12, 2017

Passage: Genesis 12:1-9 Speaker: Pastor Lukus Counterman Series: Standalone Messages

Length: 54 mins 29 secs Plays: 1874

Speaker: Lukus Counterman - Genesis 12 marks a turning point in the course of history. With the God’s call of Abram out of the city of Ur, things would be changed forever and a door of hope would be opened for the people of the world. Abram’s story provides a helpful paradigm for anyone who wants to understand God’s heart for missions. In our text this morning we will see that God’s mission involves understanding his calling, believing his promises, and spreading his fame to the ends of the earth. According to Gal. 3:7-9, Christians are children of Abraham by faith. What that means is, in Christ, we inherit Abraham’s blessing as well as his mission. That is, God wants us to go and be a blessing by spreading the fame of Jesus to the neighborhoods and nations of the world. The story of missions is the story of the spread of God’s blessing. May he use each of us in the task.