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Good News for the Doubting

January 17, 2016

Passage: Romans 8:28-30 Speaker: Pastor Jon Kopp Series: Supernatural Living for Natural People

Length: 52 mins 50 secs Plays: 3251

Speaker: Jon Kopp - \"If you live inside the massive promise of Romans 8:28, your life is more solid and stable than Mount Everest. Nothing can blow you over when you are inside its walls. Outside of Romans 8:28 all is confusion and anxiety and fear and uncertainty. Outside this promise of all-encompassing grace, there are straw houses of drugs and alcohol and numbing TV and dozens of futile diversions. There are slat walls and tin roofs of fragile investment strategies and fleeting insurance coverage and trivial retirement plans. There are cardboard fortifications of deadbolt locks and alarm systems and antiballistic missiles. Outside are a thousand substitutes for Romans 8:28. Once you walk through the door of love into the massive unshakable structure of Romans 8:28 everything changes. There comes into your life stability and depth and freedom. You simply can’t be blown over anymore. The confidence that a sovereign God governs for your good all the pain and all the pleasure that you will ever experience is an incomparable refuge and security and hope and power in your life.\" (John Piper, Future Grace, 122-123)