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Gospel Revision is Gospel Reversal Part 2

November 02, 2014

Passage: Galatians 1:6-10 Speaker: Pastor Lukus Counterman Series: Gospel Rooted Living

Length: 49 mins 30 secs Plays: 2643

Speaker: Lukus Counterman - We are being influenced on a daily basis. Every time we turn on the radio, TV, log onto the Internet, read an email, have a conversation with someone or check our Face Book account we are opening ourselves to someone else’s influence. Facts and opinions come at us in a constant barrage, pushing us in different directions. With so many voices clamoring for our attention, how do we sort out who and what to listen to? In Galatians 1:1-10, we see that the Galatian believers were confused about this very issue. Who should they listen to? They had been influenced negatively by the Judaizers, and Paul was “astonished” that they had turned from God and his gospel of grace so quickly. He makes it clear that there is only one true gospel and delineates a zero-tolerance policy regarding damnable imitations. Paul uses some pretty hard words in this passage, but we must understand what motivated his tone. He had such love for the souls of men, and such loyalty to truth of God that he condemned false teaching in the strongest possible terms. He didn’t want anyone to be led astray from the truth. Paul didn’t want anyone to lose sight of grace. This passage causes us to ask, “What is the substance and source of the true Gospel?” And not only that, but we are brought to consider, “How are we supposed to respond to false teaching purporting to be the genuine article?” May the Lord give us wisdom to discern the truth and courage to respond to falsehood, especially in this world of competing voices.