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Healing the Hopeless

September 17, 2017

Passage: John 5:1-18 Speaker: Pastor Lukus Counterman Series: John - That You May Believe

Length: 31 mins 16 secs Plays: 1958

* Due to technical difficulties a 20 minute segment of this sermon was not recorded (beginning at 4:54). In John 5:1-18, the evangelist records the third sign of Jesus, the healing of an invalid at the Pool of Bethesda. The physical restoration of this hopeless crippled man provides spiritual lessons for us concerning the powerful work of God’s grace. The Lord looks on the pitiful state of broken sinners, and provides the means of rescue for people like you and me. Jesus has divine power and authority to loose those who are bound, forgive those who are burdened, and heal those who are broken. May the Lord richly minister that grace to us as we receive his word today.