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Hope That Does Not Fail

December 09, 2018

Passage: Psalm 130:1-8 Speaker: John Moon Series: Advent (Past)

Length: 47 mins 51 secs Plays: 788

Speaker: John Moon - Psalm 130 was uniquely used in the life of John Wesley. He was a pastor, a minister, who was yet unconverted! It is well known that he was struck forcibly by reading of the introduction to the book of Romans written by Martin Luther that declared salvation by faith alone-It is less known that in the St. Paul's Cathedral that same afternoon he had heard and been deeply moved by, Psalm 130. The refrain of the choir in the cathedral \"If God should mark and equities who could stand\" reverberated it in his heart and he realized that he could not stand before God except that he stood guilty. It is important to understand how offensive sin is to a holy God, but how do we keep the awareness of our sinful state from sending us into spiritual despondency? May Psalm 130 encourage us to follow the Psalmist's example by crying out to Jesus and asking him for mercy when we find ourselves in the depths of sins despair. It is only by turning away from ourselves and trusting in Christ's sacrifice on our behalf that we will find a cure for our iniquity. In this advent season, Christ is the only hope that will not fail.