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How Does God Fashion Our Faith?

August 12, 2018

Passage: Hebrews 11:17-22 Speaker: Jared Mitchell Series: Faith Lives

Length: 53 mins 33 secs Plays: 1116

Speaker: Jared Mitchell - The same Good Shepherd who leads us beside still waters to restore our soul also allows us to traverse the Valley of the Shadow of Death. It has always been this way with God's people since the fall of mankind. While the consequences of our fallenness still remain in this life, for the believer, the trails that God allows or sends our way are not for the purpose of punishment. What does David say? In the midst of the Valley, \"you are with me. Your rod and your staff, they comfort me.\" Our trials are God's invitation. He calls us to trust him in the midst of confusing and troubling circumstances in order to gain what we ultimately need and want the most: Himself.