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I and My Father are One

February 04, 2018

Passage: John 10:22-42 Speaker: Pastor Lukus Counterman Series: John - That You May Believe

Length: Plays: 709

Speaker: Lukus Counterman ** Due to technical difficulties, an audio recording is not available for this sermon. The second half of John 10 is carefully set within the symbolic significance of the Feast of Dedication. This was the celebration of God’s redemptive activity in Israel’s past and a foretaste of God’s redemptive activity in Israel’s future. There was something very different, however at this Feast of Dedication. Unbeknownst to the Jews, the greatest hero Israel would ever know was at the festival, participating with his people. There was no need to remember “Judas the Hammer,” because Jesus the Son of God was present. He is the Hero of heroes just as he is the King of kings and Lord of lords.