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If You Oppose, He Will Expose

May 14, 2023

Passage: Luke 11:14-53 Speaker: Pastor Lukus Counterman Series: Luke - Past Promises, Present Redemption

Length: 53 mins 21 secs Plays: 191

Speaker: Lukus Counterman - here are people oppose Jesus in various ways, but he cuts through the fog of resistance and exposes the truth of our hearts. Folks, there’s no hiding from Jesus. If you oppose him, he’ll expose you. But not to mock or shame you, but rather help you see your need, so that you can turn from your sin and be saved. Jesus isn’t interested in moral reform. He wants a revolution that starts from within. He wants to turn you from accusation to acceptance. So will you let him sit on the throne of your heart? Will you hear his word and submit? Won’t you be cleansed by him today, my friend. Turn to him and trust him!