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Introduction - What is So Special About Your Bible?

January 05, 2014

Speaker: Pastor Lukus Counterman Series: How We Got Our Bible

Length: 29 mins 20 secs Plays: 2368

Speaker: Lukus Counterman - It is an amazingly unique book. Webster defines unique as “one and only; single; sole. Different from all others; having no like or equal.” That is what the Bible is. It is the Book of books. [1] Unique in its continuity - Written over centuries by scores of authors from various walks of life, while presenting a single unfolding story of God’s redemption through Jesus. [2] Unique in its Circulation – The bible is the bestseller of all time. No other book has known anything approaching the degree of constant circulation as the Bible. [3] Unique in its Translation – No other book in history has been translated, retranslated, and paraphrased more than the Bible. [4] Unique in its Survival - It survived through time, persecution, and criticism [5] Unique in its Teachings -It includes prophecy, history, and character [6] The Bible is Unique in its influence on literature and civilization