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Lessons Of The Cross

April 08, 2018

Passage: John 13:18-38 Speaker: Pastor Lukus Counterman Series: John - That You May Believe

Length: 55 mins 23 secs Plays: 1412

Speaker: Lukus Counterman - The atmosphere in the large upper room was tense, unhappy, and uncertain. The evening had gone badly from the start. The disciples had gathered with Jesus, looked around for the traditional servant to wash their feet, but seeing none they stretched out on their pallets around the low table. Without saying a word, they waited for someone else to serve, someone else to love. That’s when Jesus stood up and washed their feet. How humiliating; teachers shouldn’t do things like that. But Jesus loved them, and would continue doing so right up until the end. But the end was closer than any of the disciples realized, so Jesus lovingly tried to prepare them for what was about to take place. Betrayal, denial and death on a cross were right around the corner. And Jesus wanted his disciples to understand this cross and the impact it would have on their lives. May we learn these lessons of the cross as we examine John 13:18-38 this morning.