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Life From the Good Shepherd

January 28, 2018

Passage: John 10:1-21 Speaker: Pastor Jon Kopp Series: John - That You May Believe

Length: 51 mins 14 secs Plays: 2021

Speaker: Jon Kopp - Hundreds of years before Jesus walked the streets of Palestine, the prophet Isaiah promised that God would tend his flock like a shepherd, and in Jesus Christ we find that promise coming true. He is exactly what His troubled sheep need most. He fully knows their weaknesses and frailties and fully loves by laying down His life. C. H. Spurgeon says it this way. “Jesus, the good shepherd, will not travel at such a rate as to overdrive the lambs. He has tender consideration for the poor and needy. Kings usually look to the interests of the great and the rich, but in the kingdom of our Great Shepherd he cares most for the poor. . . . The weaklings and the sickly of the flock are the special objects of the Savior’s care. . . . You think, dear heart, that you are forgotten, because of your nothingness and weakness and poverty. This is the very reason you are remembered.”