Passage: Ecclesiastes 8:1-15 Speaker: Pastor Jon Kopp Series: Life Under The Sun
Speaker: Jon Kopp - For our message this morning, we will be in Ecclesiastes 8 looking again at life under the sun. Solomon is going to point out for us today that life is full of frustration. Do you agree with him? What frustrations did you bring to church this week? Was it pressure at work or a conflict with your spouse? Perhaps you watched the news last night and our governments most recent choices have you in a funk. Life under the sun is often full of anxious, frustration toil and, when we really look at that toil, most of our frustration in it comes from something that is outside our control. Or, as we are going to see in our text today, someone that is outside our control. Solomon points to some of life’s frustrations this morning. Specifically, frustrations that surround those under authority. Which happens to be everyone. And he is going to show us that though authority can be frustrating (both human and divine), in the midst of it all, we don’t have to despair. We don’t have to give up. We can find hope in this frustrating life under the sun, and that hope is only found in the wisdom that comes from God.