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Love that Glorifies God

November 25, 2012

Passage: Romans 15:1-13 Speaker: Pastor Lukus Counterman Series: A Community of Sacrificial Saints

Length: 1 hr 1 mins 15 secs Plays: 2993

In Romans 15, Paul gives us a perfect illustration of how to live out the liberty governed by love he has been describing, and he does it by showing us Jesus. Paul says Jesus is our perfect example and enabler to love others properly. How can both the strong and weak show love to others that glorifies God? Jesus is the answer. Both the strong and the weak are exhorted to accept one another, because Jesus has accepted them even though they are both sinners. Such mutual acceptance brings great glory to God. We need help in this, don’t we? Today, admit your need to be changed and allow God’s transforming work through union with Jesus to change even how we love one another. Pastor Lukus has provided several application questions that can help you apply God’s word to your life today. Let’s live this message out in community this week. Perhaps you and another believer could discuss how God is working on you about the kind of live that God longs to create in each of us!