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Prayer For All

April 30, 2017

Passage: James 5:12-18 Speaker: Pastor Jotham Manoranjan Series: Faith that Works

Length: 48 mins 39 secs Plays: 2346

Speaker: Jotham Manoranjan - Thank you for joining us today at Gospel Grace Church. Today we return to the book of James and begin to look at the concluding section of the letter. The word prayer is used six times, and is the theme of this section. An encouragement to prayer is usually the norm to the conclusion of the letters in the New Testament. James, calls the believer to pray in through the times of suffering and praise through the times of good cheer. However, this section goes beyond just a general call to prayer. Those stricken with sickness are asked to call on the pastors of the church to pray over them. The prayer of faith, it is said, will heal the one who is sick. We will spend time understanding this “prayer of faith” that seems to guarantee healing. The passage goes on further asking believers to confess their sins to one another and pray for one another. We will spend time dwelling on the various situations that the believers are called to pray for themselves and for one another. We will also talk about the example of Elijah, and the power of prayer. This passage more than anything else, urges us to pray. If you are here at Gospel Grace today, would you find time to pray with someone before you leave?