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The Way of Wisdom

February 06, 2022

Passage: Proverbs 9:1-18 Speaker: Pastor Jon Kopp Series: Proverbs

Length: 45 mins 12 secs Plays: 237

Speaker: Jon Kopp - In Proverbs 9, we are presented with 2 invitations. One is to a delicious feast, meticulously prepared, and for those who dine at this house, there is life. The other invitation comes from the loud and brash lips of one who promises sweetness, but only delivers decay and death. On first glance, the choice everyone should make is obvious, right? Life on one side. Death on the other. I’ll take the life one, please. But, as we all know too well, things aren’t that simple. The truth is we run back and forth between those two houses all the time. We often think that all we need to make life work is more information or the right information. Or, if we can learn to tell right from wrong, we would choose the right every time. But, life is more complicated than that isn’t it? The poet T.S. Eliot aptly said, “Where is the life we have lost in living? Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?” There is only one One who offers the answer to all of those questions—God Himself. We need something more than information and facts and the absolutes of right and wrong to thrive in this life. We need wisdom. And in today’s text, we learn that God offers that wisdom to any who will stand in awe of Him and come to know Him. Because to know Him is to know the One in whom are “hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.”