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Raised Up With Him

April 05, 2015

Passage: Ephesians 2:1-9 Speaker: Pastor Lukus Counterman Series: Easter at Gospel Grace

Length: 47 mins 39 secs Plays: 2904

Speaker: Lukus Counterman - Easter is all about the resurrection; it is about the dead coming to life. Christians observe this holiday in order to celebrate Jesus’ victory over the grave. Death could not hold the Author of Life captive. Jesus broke the bonds, and emerged from the tomb after three days. But Easter is not just a historic event about a supernatural occurrence. It has important implications today. You see, Easter reminds us how desperately we need Jesus. Without a risen Savior, the destiny of all mankind would be death and doom. But because Jesus is alive we can live too. Paul writes in Ephesians 2:6 that we can be, “raised up with him.” In other words, we need Jesus because without him we are dead, but through him we can be made alive. This Easter, consider how Jesus’ resurrection should impact you. Have you been “raised up with him?” Have you been made alive through his grace? May the Lord teach us the significance of Easter, and help us appropriate the benefits of his resurrection today.