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Resolve to Build God into Every Area of Life

January 02, 2022

Passage: Psalm 127 Speaker: Pastor Lukus Counterman Series: Standalone Messages

Length: 41 mins 31 secs Plays: 253

Speaker: Lukus Counterman - C.H. Spurgeon once wrote, “Ours is not a life of anxious care but of happy faith.” This is because our Father knows what we need and wants to care for us. We can trust him. We can rest in him. We don’t have to sit up late plotting, planning, contriving, and constructing the intricacies of our lives. We have no need to lie awake with fear gnawing at our hearts. We can rely on God and receive the rest he gives to those he loves (Psalm 127:2). Let’s stop our ceaseless tossing to and fro and instead turn to the one who loves us deeply and provides for us fully. As we include God in every area of life, may we know what it means to have peace and be still in the start of 2022.