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What Are the Unborn?

January 16, 2022

Speaker: Pastor Lukus Counterman Series: Sacred

Length: 41 mins 31 secs Plays: 265

Speaker: Lukus Counterman - God ordained the government to promote good and punish evil (Rom. 13:3-4). But the current realities of abortion in our country and around the globe depict great failures on the part of the state. Rulers are not protecting the innocents nor are they penalizing the guilty. Instead, many have abdicated their responsibilities, and millions of unborn babies are paying the price. If we believe the Bible, then we must stand against the injustice of abortion. If we believe the gospel, then we must compassionately introduce sinners to a God who forgives entirely, heals deeply, and restores completely. Our holy God hates abortion. But our loving God forgives sinners. May the Lord lead us in both grace and truth as we consider the sanctity of life this Sunday.