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Seek the Lord

May 01, 2016

Passage: Isaiah 55:6-9 Speaker: Pastor Lukus Counterman Series: Isaiah: The Lord is Salvation

Length: 51 mins 36 secs Plays: 3342

Speaker: Lukus Counterman - We are often tempted to think we must clean ourselves up to be worthy of God’s concern. But that is to misunderstand God and his saving grace. In our desperate thirst and poverty God says, “Come, buy and eat!” His love and grace come to us not because we have been so good but because he has been so gracious. In light of the mercy secured for God’s people by the “arm of the Lord (Is. 53:1), the call for repentance goes out. God’s invitation echoes through creation calling us to seek, hear, and come to the Lord. As we behold God’s righteousness and are honest about our sin, we become able to experience his saving forgiveness. We turn to the Lord and forsake our unrighteous ways. Then we enter into the movement of divine generosity, proclaiming his grace and caring for others in need.