Passage: Malachi 3:13-4:6 Speaker: Pastor Lukus Counterman Series: Advent
Speaker: Lukus Counterman - In our final section of the book of Malachi, the prophet addresses the cynical attitudes of the people. Israel is struggling with whether it’s worth serving God. When they look around, it seems as if the proud advance and evildoers face no consequences. So why fear the Lord? Why live for him? Well, the prophet corrects this flawed perspective and calls the people to consider the second coming when God will clearly distinguish between the wicked and the righteous. The pleasures of sin only last for a season, but to those who fear the Lord, the sun of righteousness will bring both blessing and protection. May the Lord help us keep our eyes on him when doubts and fears arise. And may we patiently wait for his return when all will be made right.