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Soft Hearts & Open Hands

May 09, 2021

Passage: Deuteronomy 15:1-23 Speaker: Pastor Lukus Counterman Series: Relationship & Responsibility - Deuteronomy

Length: 54 mins 2 secs Plays: 297

Speaker: Lukus Counterman - Jesus said, “the poor you will have with you always,” because he knew the broken world we live in and the evil hearts that drive us in the wrong direction. But one day, we are looking forward to a time when, like Moses said, “There will be no poor among us.” Deuteronomy 15 is a passage that calls believers to care for the needy until that eschatological day comes to pass. Our text explains why we should care for the poor and how we can go about doing it. This is a difficult contemporary issue. So, may the Lord give us soft hearts and open hands to mimic his grace as we love the needy all around us.