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Stay Awake

December 03, 2017

Passage: Mark 13:24-37 Speaker: Pastor Will Galkin Series: Advent (Past)

Length: 53 mins 9 secs Plays: 2181

Speaker: Will Galkin - The word “advent” simply means “the appearance of a notable person.” In the Christian calendar, it refers to the arrival of Christ. His First Advent is a reference to His incarnation and Christmas. His Second Advent is a reference to when He comes again. So, we are people who reside between Advents. We look both ways. As we look back we celebrate the birth of Jesus and as we look forward we long for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ. We, like the disciples of Mark 13, find ourselves asking the same questions. How long, Jesus, until you come back? How will we know when you will come for us? Yet, while no one knows the exact day or hour of His return. We find ourselves realizing that our only hope is His return. Through the words of Christ, we will see that His second coming will be obvious, comforting and motivating.