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Submit to Every Authority

October 21, 2012

Passage: Romans 13:1-7 Speaker: Pastor Lukus Counterman Series: A Community of Sacrificial Saints

Length: 55 mins 35 secs Plays: 3942

Paul will continue to expound the sacrificial response in view of the active pursuing mercies of God. The next response is that Christians submit to authority, because every authority ultimately comes from God. Therefore, to submit to God, we must submit to every human authority. The good news is that as God changes us more and more into a sacrificial community, we are able to see His hand in authority. We believe that the freedom found in knowing the love of God teaches us to live in humble submission...even to sinful authority. As a Christian, our whole being can be transformed with the truths of the gospel, so that we can submit to any earthly authority. Would you honestly and prayerfully look at your submission? Several questions are on the next page to help you apply the truth of the gospel to this timely issue. Let’s live the gospel, channel grace, and be the church this week!