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Surrender All

May 25, 2014

Passage: Genesis 22:1-24 Speaker: Pastor Lukus Counterman Series: By Faith

Length: 52 mins 49 secs Plays: 3889

Speaker: Lukus Counterman - This was the ultimate test, the end of a dream. It was the most costly sacrifice Abraham could have made. You see, Isaac was everything to Abraham, and yet the Lord was asking him to sacrifice his son, his only son, the son whom he loved. Perhaps the pain of this test wasn’t just the filial relationship dynamics, but the affection and affinity that Abraham had developed towards God’s gift. Had he turned Isaac into a counterfeit god? Had he fallen in love with the gift at the expense of his relationship with the giver? Abraham’s response to this radical command would tell the story. From our vantage point, this text causes us to reflect on the cost of full surrender. It helps us wrestle with the question, “If I submit completely to God, will he ask too much of me?” This text brings each of us to the crisis of full obedience. Do we really trust that God has perfect wisdom and profound love? Do we really believe that our trials and tests are sovereignly designed opportunities to prove our faith and mature our fellowship with our Creator? Do we have confidence that God works for our good even when his demands are painful or puzzling? As Genesis 22 unfolds, we will see the character of God and the response of Abraham. As a result of our encounter with this text, may the Lord help us develop a willingness to sacrifice whatever is dearest and most treasured in order to be true worshipers of God. May he help us to be people who surrender all.