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Taste and See

July 14, 2019

Passage: Psalm 34 Speaker: Pastor Lukus Counterman Series: Summer in the Psalms

Length: 54 mins 38 secs Plays: 870

Speaker: Lukus Counterman - We tend to fear circumstances instead of God, but Psalm 34 teaches us that the fear of God drives out the fear of anything or anyone else. We tend to worry about provision or deliverance, but we need to learn that while the wicked languish, those who fear God lack no good thing. We tend to think that we need to have it all together if God is going to draw near to us, but this psalm teaches us that God helps the afflicted and vulnerable. We tend to receive God’s goodness and forget to thank the Lord, but this psalm reminds us to praise Him. So, through Psalm 34 may we taste and see that Lord is good and trust in him in greater measure.