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The Cost of Forgiveness

July 16, 2023

Passage: Matthew 18:21-35 Speaker: Jared Jenkins Series: Forgiveness

Length: 31 mins 19 secs Plays: 47

Speaker: Jared Jenkins - Turning to the the Unforgiving Servant once again, we need to observe that there is an actual cost to forgiving someone. For this servant, he was called to absorb the debt that was owed to him in the way his master absorbed his debt. Forgiveness is a costly choice of grace. It isn't just a feeling. It's an active choice to absorb the hurt of the offense done against you as you release the offender from the guilt, shame, and condemnation of that offense. To choose to forgive is to choose suffering. Thankfully, we are not called to bear this cost alone. Christ helps us bear the cost of forgiving others as he bore the cost of forgiving us.