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The Epiphany of God our Savior and the Counter-Cultural Life of the Believer

September 13, 2020

Passage: Titus 3:1-7 Speaker: Danny Brooks Series: Standalone Messages

Length: 41 mins 45 secs Plays: 429

Preacher: Daniel Brooks - We are living between the two great appearances of God our Savior. His first appearance came at a time and in a way that surprised the world. It is not simply the fact that Jesus Christ entered the world that still surprises us, but the purpose for which He came. In Titus 3:1-7 Paul tells us that Jesus appeared with the saving power of His goodness, loving kindness and mercy in order that really rotten people like us might be completely remade. This appearance was the genesis of a counter-cultural movement lived today in the life of every believer with a view of the eternal life yet to come. It's not just our knowledge of this truth that positions us to be a powerful influence on our communities, but our experience of the power of God our Savior! Jesus appeared that we might be transformed from fools to followers, from haters to heirs, and from rebels to model citizens. It's a counter-cultural movement that Jesus uses to spread the gospel and that our world desperately needs right now.