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The Faith of Strangers & Exiles

August 05, 2018

Passage: Hebrews 11:13-16 Speaker: Pastor Lukus Counterman Series: Faith Lives

Length: 1 hr 1 mins 18 secs Plays: 1265

Speaker: Lukus Counterman - Here in our text this morning, the author of Hebrews shows us how the Patriarchs rested in complete dependence on the pledges made by God. Maybe we could introduce the character of people of faith this morning this way - they are those who LEANs into God's promises. They flop themselves upon them, they lean on God's promises right through their last breath. My friends, though we aren't perfect, if you are pursuing a life of faith (which happens to be the characteristic of all true believers), that pleases God and He's not ashamed of us. So as we go this week, let's commit for the first time, or simply afresh to be people of faith who lean on God's promises, live like pilgrims, and look for a homeland.