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The Far-surpassing Worth of Knowing Christ

July 19, 2020

Passage: Philippians 3:1-11 Speaker: Pastor Jon Kopp Series: Joy Full - Fellowship in the Gospel

Length: 41 mins 47 secs Plays: 339

Speaker: Jon Kopp - In Philippians 3, we find Paul describing in beautiful detail the "far-surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus." (Phil. 3:8) This is one of the most glorious paragraphs in our Bibles. It contrasts the folly of placing confidence in the flesh with the grace and glory of a relationship with Jesus, and it is all wrapped in a full story of the gospel: salvation, sanctification and glorification. I love how F.F. Bruce speaks of this text. He says that knowing Christ is the "only knowledge worth having, a knowledge so transcendent in value that it compensates for the loss of everything else!” Take some time to read through Paul's words slowly. Savor the gift that this passage is, and pray with me that God would use it to help us see and love Jesus more.