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The God Who Delivers

February 23, 2020

Passage: Daniel 6:1-28 Speaker: Pastor Lukus Counterman Series: Exiles in Expectation

Length: 46 mins 24 secs Plays: 696

Speaker: Lukus Counterman - Believers need to accept the reality that living a godly life will not be easy. Righteousness isn’t necessarily appreciated; it might actually incite opposition or persecution. Such was the case with Daniel. His distinguished deeds and excellent work put a target on his head. Conspirators tried to trap him, and haters tried to trip him up. But what they thought was his weakness was actually his greatest strength. Prayer got him thrown into a pit of lions, but prayer sustained him in the pit of lions. Daniel remained faithful to God in the face of opposition, and in the end, God delivered him. God is able to save all who trust in him – if not in this life, then certainly in the next. From the deepest pits and darkest holes, God is a strong deliverer to those who trust him. May our hearts be strengthened to remain faithful today.