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The God You Can Trust in Life and Death

August 18, 2019

Passage: Psalm 16 Speaker: Pastor Lukus Counterman Series: Summer in the Psalms

Length: Plays: 443

Speaker: Lukus Counterman - In Psalm 16, David writes about his struggles with enemies, adverse circumstances, and even the peril of death itself. These foes threatened to dislodge his trust in God. As you read the text perhaps you’ll realize that David is a lot like you and me - difficult and troublesome situations can unsettle us too. So what should we do? Well, in David’s confession of faith, his song of trust, he teaches us to deepen our commitment to God, locate our contentment with God, and rest our confidence in God. Only he can defeat our enemies, calm our fears and ultimately rescue us from death. May the Lord increase our faith and help us to trust him in troublesome times of life.