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The Gospel According to Jesus

August 29, 2021

Passage: Luke 4:16-30 Speaker: Pastor Jon Kopp Series: Open House

Length: 49 mins 23 secs Plays: 321

Speaker - Jon Kopp: In today's text, we find Jesus preaching His first publicly recorded sermon. And though the words may be few, they are some of the most life-giving words ever spoken on this earth. This short sermon calls people to saving faith, offers hope in all their troubles, and exalts the glory of the Son of God. In this text, Jesus is launching his earthly ministry, declaring Who He is and what He came to earth to do, and calling others to follow Him. And, it all happens in his hometown of Nazareth. Many have called this His “Nazareth Manifesto.” But, I think we could even just call it His Manifesto period. Because, this isn’t just a message for Nazareth. This is a message for humanity. This is a message for us. This is the gospel according to Jesus.