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The Grace of God

September 28, 2014

Passage: 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 Speaker: Pastor Lukus Counterman Series: Open House

Length: 54 mins 38 secs Plays: 2961

Speaker: Lukus Counterman - “It will be the most exuberant celebration ever. It will never grow boring. It will always be fresh. It will consume us all. We will want to do nothing else. The celebration will go on and on, with songs that will never grow old. We will be so amazed that we have been invited into the choir. And our amazement will never abate. This celebration that will never end is the celebration of GRACE. If you listen carefully, you will hear the songs have already begun.” – Paul Tripp. Grace is something to celebrate! Actually, it should be the central theme of our very existence. Now some may wonder, “What’s the big deal with grace? Why celebrate it? Why describe it as ‘amazing?’” Well, grace redefines our past, refocuses our present and reshapes our future. It alters how we think about finances, possessions, decisions, relationships and everything else. It’s huge, gorgeous, and so glorious that once it gets a hold of you, you’ll never be the same.[1] That’s why grace is such a big deal. [1] Paul David Tripp, Broken-Down House; Living Productively in a World Gone Bad (Wapwallopen, PA; Shepherd Press: 2009) p. 176-177