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The Heart of Forgiveness

July 09, 2023

Passage: Matthew 18:21-35 Speaker: Jared Jenkins Series: Forgiveness

Length: 29 mins 36 secs Plays: 63

Speaker: Jared Jenkins - Beginning our series on forgiveness, we look at the parable of the Unforgiving Servant in Matthew 18. If you were to look at verses 28-30 of our text by itself, from the standpoint of our culture, this unforgiving man was 100% in the right to do what he did. Afterall, the servant owed him money. This man was only getting the justice that was owed to him. But, as soon as you look at the beginning of the story, you realize that this man’s seeming act of self-justice is absurd. In comparison what a Christian has received, bitterness is absurd. We, like this man, have been shown incredible, infinite mercy from God. Having been forgiven, we are enabled to forgive. The heart of forgiveness is a forgiven heart.