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The Lord is My Shepherd

July 05, 2015

Passage: Psalm 23 Speaker: Pastor Lukus Counterman Series: Summer in the Psalms 2015

Length: 55 mins 6 secs Plays: 3036

Speaker: Lukus Counterman - Psalm 23 is easily the most famous and most familiar chapter in the Psalms. If the average American knows anything about the Bible, he or she probably knows the opening line, “The Lord is my shepherd.” Depth and strength underlie the simplicity of this ancient song. Its peace is not escape. Its contentment is not complacency. There is a readiness to face deep darkness and imminent attack because of the presence of the Lord. Psalm 23 gives us words of faith to speak out loud in times of difficulty. It points us toward trust in God. May the Lord help us this morning as weak sheep and weary travelers, to find all that we need in God – our kind shepherd and gracious host.