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The Promise Jeopardized

January 19, 2014

Passage: Genesis 1:10-20 Speaker: Pastor Lukus Counterman Series: By Faith

Length: 50 mins 29 secs Plays: 2498

Speaker: Lukus Counterman - There’s a famine in Canaan, and Abram is faced with a choice: should he stay in the land God has just designated as his inheritance or leave that land to feed his family. He chooses to leave. Abram seems to have a lapse of faith, a failure of nerve. In a moment of crises, Abram forgets about God and leans on his own wisdom and understanding. He packs up his family and possessions and heads down to Egypt. Throughout Scripture, Egypt is symbolic of living by sight rather than by faith, of depending on human strength rather than on God. That pattern seems to hold true for Abram and Sarai. Abram doubts God’s ability to provide in the land of promise and so he compromises. His decisions create problems and expose his heart of fear. In the end, Abram jeopardizes the promise of God. Will God allow such faithlessness to ruin His plan? Perhaps 2Tim. 2:13 answers that question, “If we are faithless, he remains faithful – for he cannot deny himself.” Let’s look at Genesis 12:10-20 and discover how things play out in Abram’s life.