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The Providence of God

June 08, 2014

Passage: Genesis 24 Speaker: Pastor Lukus Counterman Series: By Faith

Length: 47 mins 57 secs Plays: 3165

Speaker: Lukus Counterman - Believers are never in the grip of blind forces like fortune, chance, luck or fate. All that happens is divinely planned or allowed and comes as a summons to trust, obey and rejoice in God. In Genesis 24 God never speaks, but 17 times He is mentioned. He stands deliberately behind the scenes and yet directs each act. He silently works through circumstances as the hidden causality. He blesses his faithful servants by guiding their steps, triumphing over potential hazards, and answering their specific prayers. The providence of God in the lives of his children offers a sweet sense of security and comfort. God is in control of life and He is working out his perfect plan. He simply calls on us to trust him and follow his lead. Will you trust the steadfast love of God today?